Last night was Tasha’s first big event for Basket-Ladydom. We decided to have an Open House, and in preparation we decided to paint the kitchen. We moved it from mustard yellow to a color called blurple, which is basically Pepsi can blue.
We also took the opportunity to change the outlet hookups and faceplates, so now we have a new looking kitchen with exceptions for our old appliances. It looks GREAT, especially after we hung our comical dancing vegetable prints up.
We also took the opportunity to move the table over against the wall and it opens up our kitchen SO much. I really like the new configuration.
Anyway, on the main event… I called Tasha on my way back home and she was in a frenzy because she “hadn’t gotten enough done” and she wanted me to come home. By the time I got there, most everything was ready but she was still pretty stressed out.
We had a pretty steady stream of people most of the night so it was a pretty good success. A few of my coworkers stopped in and hung around for awhile and got to see my nerd collection and the house so it was a nice work/life mixer as well. Tasha made several sales and she got a lot of books out too, so I think she’s off to a good start.
I’m super-proud of her for taking a shot at this, I hope it starts to take off and rock the casbah for her.
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