As previously mentioned, yesterday I had to go into work at 7 am. I got the issues that I went in for resolved, however we had another Hot priority issue come up that our customers decreed that we do not go home until it finished.
Well, we had to call in additional hands, and the problems ranged from retarded to hard to figure out. We ended up getting them done, but by the time it was all over I was walking out of the door of the building at 9:25 pm.
Thanks to them, my New Years Resolution of three workouts a week has been broken, since this week I will get no more than two. I really wanted to work out last night too, I knew Sensei Brewer and Hartman were going to be there, and
But anyway, I was going to go into the office today, but they can kiss my white ass. I’m going to sit around and hang out with my dog and watch TV. I plan on training a crapload on Saturday since I missed the opportunity last night.
At least I found out that I’m getting a 4% raise this week, that’s a good thing.
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