If you want to see what I’ve been talking about, check out what I’ve got so far.
You’ve gotta have Java installed and you can run it from the command line with the following command from whatever folder you extract it to: java GUI/GeneticArtMain. If you have Eclipse, it can also be run as a project from there, since that’s what I developed it in.
Click on the New Generation Button to get started, or you can load a sample generation from the menu by going to Generation->Load Generation. Once it gets through loading the new generation, simply procreate the images by picking the one you like the best and watch elements from that image breed into the other images in the population.
The current generation saves itself into .png files in the folder that you ran it from, so if you see an image you maight want to keep just copy it from there before you continue on. If you do try it and get something cool, post the good ones up here so I can archive them. If you want to leave for awhile and come back where you started, you can save the generation by going to Generation->Save Generation.
Enjoy, have fun, and I will be adding more features from the first iteration of this software as time goes on. Right now it is essentially the same algorithm that got me my A in Honors Artificial Intellegence. At the time it was an extremely fragile C program that used OpenGL, I am very proud to make it available in a robust and awesome Java GUI.
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