I recount this story only for
We recently had a stripe test for a youth in our dojo that happens to hail from Great Britain. He’s only a white belt, so much is generally not expected of him. The kid usually tries very hard, but suffers from attention span trouble sometimes. He had to do his kata stripe test, and his first attempt was a bit disjointed and fast. Sensei Brewer had him do it again more slowly, and it still looked a little off but passable.
Anyway, when we were having the “judging meeting”, Sensei Brewer mentioned that his kata looked a little funny which immediately reminded me of Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks. This made me chuckle to myself, at which time
So I just whispered to him that this particular youth must have been a member of the Ministry of Funny Katas, at what time I thought Matt was going to die.
The End.
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