I’m stuck in training this week and it happens to be more dull than I anticipated. I’m doing pretty well staying connected with my current workload thanks to advancements in web technology, so all is not lost.
This morning, to my dismay, I noticed that there was still a slight charge on my light switch cover. I emailed by electrician buddy to see if he has any recommendations, but this is really starting to piss me off. All I want to do is have my hall light turn on from two different switches and NOT burn my house down. Why is that so much to ask?
I got an email from Sensei Hassell today saying that the DVDs are done and they will be shipped to Sensei Brewer for dispersal either today or tomorrow. He also remarked that they are “very clear”. I’m looking forward to this greatly! I know I was sore the next day, so I can’t wait to see what actually happened to me!
I plan on being at Karate tonight, but tomorrow night I’m going to be busy safeguarding my house against electrical fires. The plan for the rest of the week is the normal Thursday and Saturday workout schedule.
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