After having only three hours of sleep last night, let me tell you how nice it was to come home from work today and sleep from 4:45 pm to about 8:45 pm. The only downside is that I’m still up at this hour, but I think I should be fine.
I’m looking forward to taking back some of my time by the end of this week… a half day for Star Wars on Thursday and I may try for a full day off on Friday providing I can get enough stuff done to clear my calendar. We’ll see how it goes.
I know that generally around the company most people don’t get to flex their time back like they’re supposed to. This has me in somewhat of a grey area as to what the approved practice is on this. If I spend 18 hours on the weekend responding to a support issue, should I not be able to flex back 18 hours of my own time guilt-free? I see a lot of raised eyebrows and uncomfortable looks when I talk to some of my coworkers about this. I think the whole discussion on work/life balance is basically just a management ploy to make us *think* that they want us to take the time back but then when we do they make us feel terrible about it.
My general feeling on this whole matter is that I will give the company up to 4 hours a week of extra time relating to my job. Be it in meetings that run late, responding to support issues or code moves, whatever. I will chalk that amount of time up to being management and engaged in my job (trying to do the right thing, make sure the app is up and running, make sure processes get finished on time, etc). If the time extends beyond that, I’m taking the remainder back and I’m not feeling bad about it.
What’s everyone else think? Is this just a pipe dream that I be allowed to take my time back that I spend?
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