They are three things that just don’t exist.
I had to stay up to do some application testing on Sunday morning, so I did not get to bed until almost 4:30 am. I was still able to sleep in until about 12:30, to be awoken by a call from my Grandma. She had requested that I come to help her with her computer today so I got out of bed, showered, and grabbed some lunch on the way to Manito.
My grandmother had gotten another computer from my aunt, a relatively new Dell. She had installed Norton Antivirus, and there were a few viruses that just wouldn’t die by normal means. Grandma had called some lady at the India Support Desk that was able to convince her to fork over $39.95 for some relatively generic information about how to remove a virus that can’t be deleted under normal circumstances. This was too technical of a document for my grandma, so she called me in.
It took me a few hours to figure out what the heck had gone wrong, but she had gotten one of those registry setting viruses that open up a bunch of IE security holes. It was a pretty easy fix, but there were a few other irritating things that needed some work. Whenever you went to My Computer she would get the “Searching…” flashlight and her drives would never show up. I found out this is due to a runaway service in XP that needs shut off. Once that was done everything worked fine.
I don’t mind doing work like this for my grandma, she’s a great lady. She forced me to take some cookies with me for my services. After that, I headed home just in time for Tasha to get off work. My cousin’s husband was having an impromptu birthday party at my aunt’s house, so we had to go and pick up a gift card for him. We decided to pay off the dishwasher at the same time, so that is complete.
The tax return has been quite the windfall this year. We have paid off our king-sized bed, dishwasher, Honeymoon trip, Tasha’s business trip to be taken in August, and still had enough money left over for this beauty.
The strange thing is that Tasha wanted it just as much as I did, and it completes my collection of Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber hilts. I am told that Master Replicas made the actual hero props for the film and these are to the same specs since they are limited edition. Tasha says that Obi-Wan has been her hero since she saw the originals. Maybe with some prodding she will elaborate more…
The rest of the evening was eaten up by watching the season finale of The O.C. that my parents TiVo’d for us. That show is so awesome, I never saw the ending coming. Too bad I have to wait until September for the aftermath.
I decided to move a carload of stuff back from my parents house. In the process, I found my Magic: the Gathering cards that I had been missing so now
Even though I had most of Friday off this week, I still feel like I haven’t had much of a rest. I may veg out tomorrow night to make up for all the running around I did today. I’m going to throw myself at some work and see how motivated I can get tomorrow.
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