I watched my Dan test on DVD for the first time this afternoon. It is obvious to Mike, Dave, and I all peaked for that test.
And we all looked like rabid dogs in the sparring sections of the test. Sensei Brewer was right… you can almost tell who comes from whose dojo based on the intensity they show.
I do definitely see the points that Sensei Hassell made for me. I was hitting openings, but not with enough power to actually stop my attackers. Yeah, it probably stung a little, but I need more power. Mike looked strong as hell during the sparring, the shot he gave me in the ribs hurt to watch again. I was really surprised to see how much damage the little quick jab to the eye that I hit him with did. It barely moved his head!
I got some weird residual Dan Test Butterflies watcing the whole experience again. I’m really looking forward to my Sandan test in a few years. I like sparring, and maybe by the time the test rolls around I might have a clue how to do it somewhat right.
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