This always happens when I drink.
I always wake up around +5 hours after I crash from drinking too much. Tonight, it was with extreme thirst and the Whistly Erbe Chilli Toots. They smell like brown sugared sake, and were so bad my dog left the room. Drinking also affords me some extra lucid dreams… I dreamt I was deadlocked in a neverending conversation with Hickman-san regarding Cat Equipment.
The parts of last night that I can remember were excellent. I always feel so much closer to my Karate compatriots after a night like last night. It kind’ve makes all the petty crap that has been going on in recent months just drop away. I just wish I was sober enough to comprehend the corrections that Sensei Hartman was making on my black belt test as we watched it.
Warm sake is extremely superior to room temperature variety. I do remember the bottle being hot enough that it was scalding my hand as I was trying to pour it, but it was worth the momentary pain to drink it. Aside from the blortchy chilli gas, I bear no ill effects from the alcohol.
Also, Matt… curses upon you and your family for putting onions in the burger meat. This is causing a light tang to my toots and it is not pleasant.
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