This story begins as my beautiful wife and I return from our honeymoon in New Orleans. Somewhere in the middle of banjo country, my Service Engine Soon crackled on with a amber glow that meant I had to baby my car for the next 10 hours of this trip.
We consulted the manual, which stated that this light is caused by an emissions sensor firing. This can be caused by overfilling your gas tank which happened twice as we travelled to our destination. The manual recommended just waiting until after “several” fill ups before contacting your dealer.
Two months go by, during which I ignore this light in secret hope that I will not have to pay out my butt for some tard at my Saturn dealership to reset the sensor. This morning, I climb into my car and notice that the light is not on.
Automotive Jesus has healed my poor little Saturn. Either that, or the Saturn has decided that theres no point in reminding me that its dying.
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