Surprisingly, the Pekin test ended up being on the smallish side. As a result, we had a pretty smokin’ first class… I was dumping buckets of sweat like it was going out of style. There was a moment during the training when I took a mental note of how much liquid I had taken in recently and how much I was outputting. I was worried about tapping out.
The test itself was, in fact, very small. We had a solid group of testees as
We had some VERY solid white and yellow belts this time around, we will be watching their careers with great interest.
And I had a little Sensei Moment before the exam… before classes started, Tommy-san (our resident blue belt that got his green belt on the test) came up to me and asked nervously… “Sensei? Do we have to worry about anything thats from the higher belt testing sheet?” I could tell he was *really* sweating this, so I told him that we would grade him on how he has done in classes and how he does on the stuff for his own test. And that anything else he is asked to do to help other people test is “extra.” He thianked me and bowed and ran off to get ready for the test. Nostalgiatron 5000 started going off in my head, because I remember running up to Sensei Hartman before my red belt test and asking the same thing.
That lead to some interesting post-test dinner conversation regarding how we are showing signs of becoming our Senseis as they transform into theirs. But I’ll save that for another post when I can elaborate further. Suffice it to say it was a little disturbing to think that in some ways things I do are compared with my Senseis from both past and present.
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