Tonights workout was marked by a blistering “fast burn” class lead by Sensei Brewer. We then did some sparring drills, during which I got across from Liam-san, a white belt who still has some stance and attention span trouble. After he realized that he was kicking at someone, he perked right up and did a pretty ok job.
Shortly thereafter, Sensei had Oedewaldt and I take the youth to the other room to do some intensive kata training. I was assigned Paige-san, who just received her yellow belt, and Liam-san. They both did a fair job of their katas, Liam had some attention span troubles at one point reminding me that he had finished Revenge of the Sith on his Xbox. Paige has learned Heian Shodan from her Dad and did a pretty darned good job for workout #1 into her yellow belt. I hope the fire stays lit under her, she’s doing a good job.
The second class started and we were told to expect sparring. We warmed up with some sparring combinations and went on to some sweeping/round kick drills that worked about 30% of the time for me. It was obvious to me that
We also had the opportunity to do ushido geri (back kick). This kick ALWAYS runs hot and cold for me, and it never fails to be the moment that Sensei Brewer is watching me that I screw up. Most memorable moment from tonight: Sensei Brewer telling me that I jabbed like a young girl throwing a baseball. After some effort,
It was a fun and frustrating workout… this week may be somewhat light on the Karate blogging since the Rec Center is closed for two weeks. We’re planning a Saturday workout in their back open field, so it seems that mini-gassuku is on tap for this weekend. Sounds like a dehydrating good time!!
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