Today was the first day in two weeks that I’ve gotten to sleep in, and it was VERY nice. I could tell when I got up to go to the bathroom this morning that gasshuku was yesterday, because I had that lovely swollen feet and dull leg pain that denotes this event every year. What a great time! 🙂
As I was getting dressed, the dog came to visit me. He laid down on my bed and rolled on his side to get his belly scratched. I happily obliged, however, I noticed a very small red dot moving on his fur near his hind legs. Upon closer inspection, the thing was tiny little red dot. It was so small it was hard to pull out of his fur, Tasha had to use her nails to get to it. Shortly thereafter, the little dot rocketed off of Tasha’s hand.
It appears that my dog has at least one flea.
After chastising him for being gross, I made him have a bath. A good one, where I coated his entire body in Hartz Flea and Tick killing shampoo. He took it remarkably well. I didn’t hear any little dots screaming in agony or see them bailing out, so we figure this could be an isolated incident since he was out in the back yard for quite awhile today while Tasha cleaned up after him.
He’s very soft after he’s had a bath. So soft, in fact, that we may start giving him a weekly bath. He seemed to tolerate today’s pretty well and he loves getting combed out after the bath is over. He’s a pretty good boy, even though he’s fat and sometimes smelly.
After that we did some running around town, I got a haircut, and we ended up at my parents house where I cleaned out a few boxes from 2000-2001. My goal is to have all of my shit moved out of my parents house by the end of the year, a few boxes at a time. We also bought a doorknob to go on the back door, so work may begin soon on a workbench/prop area for me.
The rest of the night was spent cleaning the house, declogging our shower drain (Drano Gel is the best product ever made for this), and catching up on some TV. Family Guy was pretty good tonight, and its Big Brother season (OH YEAH!!!). It’s going to be a good summer. 🙂
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