It was right about 120 degrees at Mapleton tonight. That puts it a cool two degrees colder than Hell itself.
Maybe it wasn’t that hot in actuality, but that is what it felt like after we started working out. Dad and I car pooled out there, so he was stuck having to stay for second class in order to take me home. That worked out pretty well.
Second class consisted of half to three quarters speed basics, and it was pretty much a slow burn workout focused on getting a little more spirit out of the denizens of Mapleton. It was mildly successful. Dad and I got to do a few partner drills toward the end of the workout. We haven’t gotten to really spar together since he came back, I hope we get to do more of it.
As you may have realized from the title, this is workout #100 for this year. I tried to rationalize that number a little bit in my head tonight on the way home… basically it is four away from two workouts a week for an entire year. And its July. If I can make it to #156 by the end of the year, my New Year’s Resolution of an average of three workouts a week will have been met. If I keep up with three a week like I have been, I will hit that somewhere near the middle of November.
For those keeping track… my original aim was for three workouts a week for the rest of the year or Nidan, whichever came first. I wasn’t satisfied with that. I am proud of my accomplishments this year, but all the training at the beginning of the year showed me the value of amped up training like we have been. I accepted a break after my test because I had earned it, but I’m curious to see if I can hit the average of three workouts a week for this year.
I have no idea how I was satisfied in the past with just two workouts a week. I honestly don’t feel that my training has ever been stronger and the amount of comaradarie that has grown among the black belts this year has been just phenominal. Yeah, we have our ups and downs, but really we’re all in this together. We’re a family and sometimes families have little problems.
I’m proud of my accomplishments so far this year, but I ain’t done yet. So keep those elbows in. 🙂
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