My basement is no longer partially underwater, thanks to the friendly neighborhood RooterMan (da daaaa!) and the fine folks at Prestige Home Warranties.
The RooterMan’s visit was quite short and to the point. He went down there, thanked me for warning him of the pool of toxins that I had poured in there, and proceeded to splash the shit on his face. That resulted in the RooterMan flying up my stairs in search of a sink. A few minutes of flushing with water and he was back in action.
It appears that the trickle of water that comes from my air conditioner and water heater runoff is enough to “pick up dirt and muck” and cause it to cake in the walls of the pipe. A few minutes with the snake and everything was cleared up, and I am $50 lighter.
I asked him how much it would’ve been had I not had the warranty, and he said “around $140.”
I’m glad I called the warranty people first. w00t!
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