The alternate title to this post was: Ernest Goes To Bed.
Last night I spent far too long on the Internet, and it was nearly 12:30 am before I hit the sack. I took the dog out, fed him, locked the doors, went upstairs, fed the rabbits, and hit the hay.
As I rolled over a few times cursing the fact that Tasha doesn’t get back until Wednesday, I heard this flippy scratching sound. I divine that it is likely The Cheat, since he always gets fiesty after he gets some food in him. I hear it again, at what point I decide to get up and give the rabbits a treat. That usually shuts them up.
Teddy came to investigate as he often does when I’m messing with the rabbits. He followed me back in the bedroom and came up on the bed with me so I could pet him as I went back to sleep. After about ten minutes of this, he jumped off the bed and headed downstairs to cooler climates.
As I was right on the edge of sleep, in that blissful state where the world just fades away, I hear the sound of frenzied barking from downstairs. I believe I jumped about five feet in the air and landed somewhere by my TV. I moved to the edge of the landing and peered over the edge of the stairs.
There is Teddy, standing on the landing wagging his tail.
“What do you want?” I implored him as I came downstairs. Glancing around, I see nothing out of place, disturbed, or pooped on. He seemed to think there was something interesting at the front window. I look out there, nothing to be seen. I check the status of the front and back doors. Still locked. I look in the basement, no problems.
By the time I get back up to the first floor, Teddy was laying in his normal spot in front of the front door. I guess he just wanted some extra attention at 2:30 in the morning. It took me about 20 minutes to convince myself that the dog is just crazy and ninjas had not infiltrated my home.
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