I had to work last night, and because of that today is my only day to hang out and do nothing. Now that I have a day off, I really don’t have that much to do. My MythTV hasn’t been picking up anything worth watching, my lovely wife is reading a book downstairs, and I’ve finished most of the Internet.
I still have to put the knob on the back door, but that’s more work than I feel like doing right now. If it keeps up at this rate ,I may start in on a few prop projects. I’ve still got to mold/cast the training remote parts, and I’m thinking about trying my hand at a Luke Skywalker saber as seen at the end of Return of the Jedi. Its significantly different than the other ones in the series, and I have many of the hardware parts to actually pull it off.
We’ll see how it goes, I will likely just waste the day sitting on my butt.
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