Tonight’s workout started off with some warning shots. You see, as I travelled to my destination I felt the rolling around fighting of two kittens inside of my intestines. I knew about halfway through warmups that this wasn’t going to end well.
The first class consisted of basics… I was able to shrug off destroying nearby white belts a couple of times purely by sheer will. Matters were compounded when Sensei repeatedly used me as his tackling dummy (an honor usually enjoyed!) causing extra pressure to build up. It is my largest fear that I will get up to assist demonstrating something with Sensei and I will hit him with a Level 10 Cloudkill inadvertantly. This is most immediately a concern when demonstrating something like kibadachi. I console myself with the fact that he’s lived around
We did basics and partner drills during the first class, by the end things down below were starting to settle down.
In between classes, I decided to visit the back restroom to let off some pressure. It turns out that whatever was living inside of me had figured out how to kiai. Loudly. So loud, in fact, that I was POSITIVE that the ladies at the front desk would be looking at me funny. I sounded like a cruise ship’s foghorn. By the time I got back to the dojo, I had a case of the chuckles so bad that Sensei Brewer asked me what was funny. I told him nothing, but I have a feeling that word of this story will reach him soon.
The second class went very well. We did sparring style basics up and down the floor, and then we did some one time attack. Raleigh and I were partners, we got to mix it up black belt style so it was pretty fun. I really enjoy sparring with Raleigh, however he has an annoying predisposition to anticipating counter attacks, which makes him not commit his attacks. I have this problem too, hopefully we can find out how to fix it together.
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