Hurt two days later. My body is still SO wracked out from the paintball/karate combination that I attempted on Tuesday… my bruises are starting to go down from the paintballs, but my legs still scream when I stand up and sit down.
We depart tonight for GenCon Indy, and I must say I’m looking forward to it greatly. We’re all stocked up on batteries and digital film so I can chronicle our descent into the bowels of nerd-dom, and its always great fun to see the unique people that show up for this event.
We were able to secure Save the Owlbears t-shirts from our online storefront with enough time to wear them for the convention. I’ll be interested to see if we get anyone that wants to find out where we got ’em.
That’s all for now, if Tasha is able to get wireless from the hotel we’ll update from the road, otherwise I will post again early next week with how things shook out!
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