As I type this, I am sitting down to my dinner of cold fries and less cold Chicken McNuggets. Today did not go well at all. We hit the ground running in the rest of our testing tasks, only to find difficulty in getting relevant data to test our system with. In the process we found a few bugs of the nasty variety that took several hours to tack down and actually fix.
On top of that, we still had to recode a small application that operates alongside our system to suit our new environment. This task, which should’ve taken only an hour or so took three hours before we gave up for the night. Without going into too much gory detail, its basically not showing us output, getting a certain distance through and then dying. It is the last piece of the puzzle before we’re ready to go live this weekend and it really pisses me off to have to leave it not operational tonight.
By the end of the night tonight, even our veteran codemonkey Matt was done. It was all just turning to mud in front of us and we all just had it, frustrated beyond comprehension. We’re going to need to enlist some help from my good buddy
If I wasn’t so tired, I’d be getting my tickets to Guam now. By the way, for those keeping track: 11 hours of work yesterday, 14 hours of work today. I *REALLY* hope we can knock the rest of this out during normal working hours tomorrow.
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