This Saturday’s workout took place in Bloomington. Sensei Hassell came up from St. Charles and did four hours of seminars for our Central Illinois Clubs. My Dad and I car-pooled up there, I always enjoy the opportunity to hang out and talk about Karate with him.
We arrived at the Shirk Center roughly a half-hour early and after a bit, Sensei Hassell came in. I greeted him, and the first thing out of his mouth (after osu!) was “How’s Sochin going?” I answered that it was coming along slowly, but I was floored that he remembered the conversation that we had during the previous instructor training class from months ago. This cemented the fact that I’ve gotta get off my ass and work on Sochin more.
The first seminar was the all ranks class, and the topics were basics oriented and dealt with intention in techniques. I believe that there were lessons there for everyone from white belt to black. Sensei Hassell had us sit Japanese style for awhile to teach us the difference between tolerable pain and the pain that does significant damage. It was an interesting way to demonstrate that point, I hope it sunk in where it needed to.
The second seminar was for beginners and intermediates, however the black belts that wanted to stay and train were allowed. I’m really glad we elected to stay and train, because I got a great deal out of the second workshop. Sensei Hassell needed a black belt volunteer and I ran out there, accidentally cutting off
I also got the joy of being the demonstration for the application of a throw in Heian Shodan, which… well… sucked. He had to demonstrate it about six different times in order to show his point. The man has hip action, there is no doubt there.
The final class was for advanced students, and we got to work on a myriad of different things, including sweeping and kata. I think that learning to sweep properly will probably be my biggest benefit from the weekend. It doesn’t take anything but timing along with the opponent’s stance, and that was something that I just didn’t get before. I think the drill helped adequately demonstrate that, especially when I was able to make a foot sweep work on Brewer-san. I felt like I won the lottery every time that worked out.
I had a great time at this seminar, even though I was a little lukewarm about going at first. My motivation to do anything that doesn’t involve sleep and be lazy has been low these days, which was probably the case for this clinic too. I’m glad that motivation tends to come after I make myself go to the dojo or get off my butt.
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