This week was a long one. Between the neverending outages that we’re suffering and the gigantic ass backlog of data that we’ve got to process through, its been a pretty tiring wait for this week to get over.
Fortunately, the rays of hope broke for us yesterday and into today… we got the go ahead to use our new system (the better one, sorry Crary) to blow through the giant backlog of data. It should get things done MUCH faster and then we’ll be back up to speed. Also, we got the final tasks complete that were holding us back from moving out to production, so we’re cleared for launch next weekend.
Tomorrow is the wedding of Mike Mitchelle, one of my good friends from college. We’ll be travelling to Springfield for most of the day, but I’m tentatively planning to work out tomorrow morning. We’ll see if I actually am able to drag myself out of bed.
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