This weekend my good buddy Wilson was describing to me the merits of World of Warcraft by Blizzard Entertainment. I’ve been in the market for a good game for quite some time, and this seemed to scratch the roleplaying itch as well.
I know that games like this are major trouble for sucking up vast amounts of life from the space surrounding the computer that they are installed on. This fact, coupled with the $13.95/month charge to use the game servers to play allowed me to successfully resist the urge to start something horribly addicting.
I probably wouldn’t have been able to resist if it had been free to play, but I can’t justify $35 for the game + $14/month of gameplay. I’ve been down that path once before… Gemstone was a harsh mistress.
I miss that game sometimes, but the hours and hours of gameplay for very little satisfaction/progress wasn’t really worth the immersion that it provided. And the $20/month for a text based roleplaying game really sucked.
What happened to the days of buying a game for one price and getting to play it for eternity?
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