So I called the technician back at Best Buy today. It appears that their tech at the repair facility in Minnesota JUST STARTED WORKING ON MY IPOD. I took a number that I could call to register a complaint and was very nice to the kid I was talking to. It wasn’t his fault, after all.
So I call 1-888-BEST-BUY. After jockeying around in their menus for a long time trying to find an option relating to the Service Plans. In the end, I end up just mashing the keypad in order to get to a human. The girl I spoke with was nice, and transfered me to the warranty department.
This is the point when the rage begins.
I told the woman my problem. She told me that there was nothing that could be done. I couldn’t expedite my request, I couldn’t get a replacement. I asked her if they seriously entered into a contract with a repair facility that has no way to expedite a request when someone complains, and she said that it was a seperate company and they couldn’t do anything.
In the end, I informed the woman that I considered this very crappy service and that I couldn’t believe that they actually tell people that their complaints don’t mean anything. I drafted an email to the company giving them one more chance to make this better.
I can’t really do anything but wait now, but holy crap… they’ve got to be able to do better than this.
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