My iPod is back! It is *actually* my iPod, they didn’t even have to wipe the drive. The RMA form says that they replaced the battery and “it works great.”
My complaints were heard. The manager for the Geek Squad came out I told him my plight with the corporate customer service, how my expectation was set at 2.5 weeks and they took 4, and explained that I am their target demographic (being young and well off as I am).
The guy listened intently, explaining to me how their system estimates their return time. He says that many of his guys don’t understand how the estimation works (it calculates the average *return* time for that particular item), but regardless to that he was sorry for my dissatisfaction.
He also said that there was no call for the lack of interest that corporate customer service provided and that he wanted to make things right. He asked me what I would want to make it better, and I told him to do his best. He said that it would probably be pale in comparison to what I deserved but the best he could do was to get me a gift card.
So he went in the back and got me a $20 gift card for my trouble, apologized again, and that was that. My iPod is returned to me and I have been repayed for my dissatisfaction. Congratulations to Peoria’s Best Buy for doing the right thing; I will be happy to continue to purchase stuff from them.
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