My headache right now is Major Minor World Titleholder. Tylenol is not cutting it. Argh.
Where the answer is almost always 42.
My headache right now is Major Minor World Titleholder. Tylenol is not cutting it. Argh.
Today we had our company outing, which was basically the only thing I did at the office today. I went to bed around 7:30 am and got up around 11:45 am, so I was still pretty groggy. My system remains in place (w00t!) so I got to go to the company bowling outing as per […]
Alfredo Stroessner You scored -1 Ego and 3 Ideology! As you might’ve guessed, General Alfredo Stroessner’s (1912- ) father was a German emigrant to Paraguay. The workaholic Stroessner overthrew Paraguay’s civilian government in 1954 and began work on a sort of low-calorie fascism, throwing money into massive construction projects, battling with the Church, handing out […]
For those of you that complain about never having enough time to do things, I have the following revealation. God has actually inserted roughly 3-5 hours between 5:00 am and 5:10 am. Apparently, this time was placed there to allow farmers, priests, and blonde colored dogs enough time to deal with their daily workload. I […]
This one is semi-frequently replayed… I just realized that I was hungry from some tasty Fritos Scoops. I was about ready to stand up from my desk chair and go downstairs in search of some, only to realize that I brought half a bag up here yesterday for just sort of an emergency. Huzzah! Also, […]
It’s 1:30 am. I’m babysitting my system in order to prove its worth. And I’m listening to Queen. I’ve had the sneaking feeling that I am being made to suffer for having this bug when we went live last time. We ran this system against a copy of the production database for four days. The […]