Tonight’s workout was grueling.
Before class,
The whole first class was geared to remove any ability to feel pain in the legs. We focused on moving slower and deeper with every technique. I was suffering until about halfway through and then something died inside and it stopped hurting. So I went with it. While I still have quite a ways to go, I noticed that my mobility forward and backwards wasn’t as labored as I would have thought.
Part of me wanted to die between classes, part of me wanted to do more.
The do more side of me won. The second class was geared toward sparring, and we got to do some interesting drills to work on timing and speed of combinations while the other person just stood there and made a good target. I got across from Oedewaldt-san and we had some pretty good exchanges. He caught me with a hook kick to the side of the head. While it didn’t hurt, it did slosh around my inner ear well enough to unsettle my balance. It was like my whole frame of vision was heading down and to the left and I couldn’t help but sit down that direction. A few seconds later I was back in the saddle.
A bit later on I got across from
This class was definitely of the ass-kicker variety. Its one of those that you just KNOW that you’re going to be sore over the next few days. Thanks,
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