Once again, another O.C. Mix CD has made it to iTunes. I really enjoy these mixes because they have exposed me to some music that I normally wouldn’t ever listen to.
At the end of last season, a dramatic moment was punctuated very nicely by Imogen Heap’s song “Hide and Seek”. The placement of the song in this particular moment was very chilling and I was interested to see that it made its way onto the CD.
I’ve listened to it several times, and it has this creepy airy techno feeling, however the way they synthesize her voice reminds me a lot of Peter Frampton. The lyrics don’t appears to make a great deal of sense, and I’m not sure I necessarily like harmonized layered synth like this.
Because I hadn’t ever heard anything like this before, I enlisted the opinions of
I’m torn but leaning toward “like it.” I know Sarah’s got a thing against female lead singers, but I’d be interested to hear her impression. Tasha’s still getting through the new CD, hopefully she will give her opinion soon.
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