Thursday night’s workout was a ass-buster. It didn’t help matters much that I’ve been battling this allergy/cold monster for most of the week, but I was still able to be 80% or so competent. I seriously thought about skipping Thursday’s workout in order to recouperate, however I always feel better when I work out so I decided to tough it out.
I knew I was in trouble when Sensei Hartman told McCabe-san to make sure to stretch us out good during warmups.
The first class consisted of reverse punch and front kick. Deep stance was encouraged, and I was not afforded the same dying nerve luck that I had during the last workout. This one hurt all the way through. The second class was more basics and some partner drills. I was ready to be done when the bell tolled for this workout.
Saturday’s workout also began with basics. We did the 3rd kyu test, as we had
We talked it out, but not before
I sparred with Mike-san for a bit. He’s still unsure of what to do with my new tactics… I was able to have this whole idea work flawlessly on him ONCE. I stayed around the edges and saw my opening, darted in and front kicked him (hard) in the stomach and got my ass out of there. He did nothing to block or counter this offensive. I will take as many more of these as I can get. It still feels like I can see more openings than I can commit to hitting.
We rotated and I got to spar with
There were a few encounters during that set where I could’ve easily gone to the hospital or met Jesus had Sensei had any less control. I’m really glad he has it. I need more sparring like this… theres only one way I’m going to get faster and sneakier, and that’s to continually pit myself against the fastest and sneakiest. This means you, other fellow black belts.
(P.S.: It is my goal in life to never again be called the name that I was called today.)
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