On Friday night, several members of the blog crew and their significant others went to see Harry Potter 4. I was rather surprised that it wasn’t a gigantic zoo like we expected… there were lines, but the theatre wasn’t totally packed. Then again, we didn’t go on opening night like last time…
Before we get into the review, it has been over two years since I read this book. Since I read them all at once in grad school, I had lost considerable amounts of detail about the plot. I don’t know if this fact made the film better for me or what, but this was my favorite film so far.
I was afraid they were going to have to pare down the film too far like they did for the last one, but I’m happy with what they left in. Yes, they cut out Dobby. Yes, they had to rush quite a bit of the middle part and trim out much of the subplots. Nonetheless, they did a fantastic job with what they left in.
They did a GREAT job with Voldemort. He was every bit as creepy and awful as I expected him from the book, and the whole end of the film matched what went on in my head exactly. I wish, as Tasha does, that they would’ve done a little better explaining the deal with the wands at the end. I also wish Dumbledore didn’t come off quite so pissed off.
I think I may take my parents out so I can see this one again.
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