Well, I’m nearing the final half-day of my vacation as we speak. It was nice having some time off, but I’m not very excited about the mound of work I’m sure I have waiting for me tomorrow morning.
Today I installed some new weather stripping in my front door, that’s just how exciting I am. I have to do the back door and put the plastic up for the windows. We’re going to give it a try for this year and see what it does to our energy bills. Hopefully it will be an improvement.
I found a good Ebay purchase and got myself an infrared keyboard that will work with my current MythTV setup for $30. Should be a pretty good deal if everything works out well… I may get to use some of the additional features of Myth that are made easier with a keybaord. w00t!
The only other good news circulating right now is that we’re almost done with our Christmas shopping. We have about four more gifts to order and we’re done. Which will be a new record if I get it done by the end of the week like I plan to. Hooray!!
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