Tonight’s commute home was certainly interesting. Apparently, downtown Peoria affords no snow plows. It took me 20 minutes to get to Creve Coeur hill, at what point I got trapped in the rut of a truck as it edged over the shoulder. My car, being light, had naught the friction required to get back onto the road. I kept bumping up against the edge of the road, but things were so slippery that I could not get back up there.
So I put on my hazards, waited for an opening, threw it in reverse, and wedged myself between the drifting snow and the road. This popped my front tires up on the pavement again and I quickly put it back in drive and hauled myself out of there.
It was slow going too… no faster than 20-30 all the way until the McDonalds in North Pekin. The roads were marginally more clear after that, so I was able to get home in one piece. It was dodgy there for awhile, thats for sure.
This also marks one of the few times that the YWCA has closed on account of weather. I’m sure there are many students nervous about missing another workout so close to test time, but there was no choice in this case. There’s always Saturday and Monday!
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