A few minutes ago I was using a pair of tiny tweezers from a pocketknife over the sink. Focused on my efforts, the little things got away from me and they quickly evaded my grasp and went right down the sink.
Then I remembered that in my toolchest there was an awl (pointy scribing tool) that had a strong magnet on the end. The business end of the awl was bubbled out a bit to aid in grasping and had a small decorative groove right before the X-Acto style knurling on the handle.
I broke open the wife’s sewing box and got some thread and knotted it around the bubbled part of the awl. A few trips down the sink later my tweezers reappeared, only slightly more mucky for the journey. I found no pirates gold down there, but I was pretty happy regardless.
My idea was vaguely inspired by a burned in piece of Sesame Street segueway… if my memory recalls correctly, some poor kids were playing jacks and in their inexpensive multicultural excitement a few of the jacks clattered down the sewer grate. I think they used an ink pen, a jump rope, chewing gum and some good ol’ fashioned teamwork to retrieve their 1920’s playthings. I am honored to join their ranks of impromptu item rescuing. Now I just need to figure out how to be more multicultural.
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