The choirs of san-kyus sing their songs… they practiced all year long…
OK, that was weird.
Last night we finally got to give Sensei Brewer his awesome leather bikers coat. I think he really liked it, I think it was the most unique gift that we’ve given him since I’ve been around. It fit him perfectly and he looks great in it!
Sensei Hartman got a really great statue depiction of the cover of Dynamic Karate, handcrafted by Sensei Brewer. He was totally pumped about that, as well he should be. I love my eagle that Sensei made us for our wedding, and this was directly karate-themed which made it all the more awesome. It was definitely a good night for everyone involved.
Tonight’s workout was pretty tough… we did circle basics followed by some combinations up and down the floor. I was having trouble with the double sweep then roundkick combination, I can’t ever get the foot sweep to not feel like I’m just flipping my leg out there.
The second class consisted of kata… a lot of kata. We did all of the Heian kata, Nijyushiho, Kanku Sho, and Unsu. During the jump in the last Kanku Sho, I landed a little hard and felt it in my ankle and knee today. Not hurt, just stiff. It was fun diving into the katas again.
I’m starting to develop some ideas for my goals for next year. Tasha and I have decided that the number of workouts was good for continued marital happiness, so my goal will be at least 156 workouts for next year. I’m going to add some additional features to the plan. Tentatively, I would like to add one free sparring match per workout with an exception for injuries. That may change as I think about it more, but I want to be extremely prepared for the Sandan test when it comes around for me. I used the word “devastating” last night, but “capable” is what I want to be.
I’ll have a plan hammered out by the end of the year.
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