With the Christmas shopping done, I’m finally starting to get into the holiday spirit. The tree isn’t seeing too much decoration this year, as it is going to get moved on Thursday in order for the big screen to get moved in. Maybe afterwards, it will be time to deck the halls.
We got to give our first gifts of the season this weekend, we exchanged gifts with
For now, I’m content to wrap a few presents for Tasha and look forward to some time with the family this weekend. We have decided to host Tasha’s dad, stepmom, grandpa, and brother for Christmas Eve lunch. It should be fun, but Tasha’s somewhat nervous as the prospect of having her family over for the holiday.
Christmas Day will be spent visiting the various branches of my family as we have done for so many years. It is almost always a hectic, fun day. I’ve still gotta gut it out through three days of work this week. Tasha’s wisdom teeth surgery is on Wednesday, and I am taking the first “compelling need” day at the urging of my Team Lead. My last personal day takes up Thursday, which will consist of running cables and cleaning the house for the weekend extravaganza.
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