This morning’s class was spent working largely on Tekki Nidan with Dad and Hickman. We did 20 Tekki Nidans before our attention turned to Sochin.
Sochin is the kata that I have decided to work on for my Sandan test. I haven’t been working on it much lately, and that was very obvious Sunday morning. My legs and knees have been screaming in protest all day long as a result of the five Sochin kata that we did in very short succession.
I decided to take a pause on sparring again this morning because I’ve had kata on the brain. I don’t know if its the intrigue of digging into a kata that I never really felt totally comfortable with (Tekki Nidan) or the desire to dive in deeper on a kata that I know I will have to do for a long time (Sochin), but I haven’t wanted to do much else lately.
Sochin-dachi feels pretty bad… it just seems that whenever I try to move in that stance my feet slide around and I can never get rooted. I’ve tried dropping my center as I settle into the stance, that just makes my feet do some strange gyrations and the problem persists. I need to work on this kata more, for sure.
Plus I’ve found that somewhere along the line apprehension has built up around my sparring… I’m not taking the shot when I see it line up in front of me. Perhaps it was an isolated incident on Tuesday and I just need to get back in there and see what it feels like. I was watching
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