Last night was a little busier than anticipated. Tasha was headed to Bloomington so she could teach classes for two days, so I spent last night hanging out around the house.
I was joined by my brother-in-law who had just finished his first “real life” interview with a potential employer in Springfield. He was very optimistic, and we got into a long interesting discussion about life outside college and how much challenges and rewards there are to be had.
We hung out in my basement and played darts during this time, and it was a lot of fun. Shortly after he left, my cousin came by to hang out for awhile. In between the two visits, I had started on laying out the “Longbottom Leaf” logo to attach to the barrel that I’m using as a trash can downstairs. (That logo comes from the “Flotsam and Jetsam” extended scene of The Two Towers, for those interested.) Scaling something from a picture that happens to be on a round surface is very difficult, but I’m approaching it by eye moreso than I am actual measurements.
I got as far as laying out the general look of the logo and started to get my character spacing set up. Before I knew it, the time was 1 am and it was time to sleep.
I will probably make intermittant progress on that over the next week or so, but as long as the weather stays mild I hope to get my table finished first.
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