As previously mentioned, this weekend we got the good fortune to catch up with some old friends at the birthday celebration for
When I headed away from the dojo for college, I had a small persistent voice in my head that was telling me to recognize my Senseis and tell them how much their teaching had meant to me.
I didn’t take the time to adequately vocalize these feelings, so I forced the little voice to be quiet and I did the college thing and came back. Luckily, the instructors that mattered most to me were still there when I returned, but there were a few that drifted away during the five and a half years that I was gone.
This Saturday, I got the chance to get back in touch with one of my old instructors that had abruptly left our organization shortly after I went to school. I took the opportunity to tell him exactly how much he helped shape the way I train. Things I learned when sparring with him left both physical and psychological impressions that have really stuck with me.
So I told him. I recounted a few stories and explained a few times when I was reminded of things he had done. In doing so, I felt like I settled up with that nagging urge to recognize those that are important to me. The Senseis that are still around have the benefit of being able to lay eyes (and fists/feet) on me to watch their teachings live. In this case, I hadn’t spoken to this person in five years or so and I didn’t want another five years to go by without letting him know what an impact that he made on me.
I will echo the words that Matt posted on his blog. Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman — I hope you both know that you’ve really made a difference in my life, and the lives of the other yudansha. A second family is a very apt way to describe the relationships at the dojo… I’ve been learning karate for over half my life with everyone and I don’t think there are very many other clubs/groups/teams that can boast such a tight knit group as that. We appreciate everything you have done and will do for us.
I got a little crap from
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