John McLoughlin
Originally uploaded by dalcher.
I screwed around a little bit attempting to find some inspiration for some 8 bit graphic icons to augment the vintage video game feel of my website. I didn’t have much luck, which led me to the distraction du jour: The Gimp, an OSS Photoshop-like application.
The Gimp’s usability has come a long way since earlier versions. Before, it was nearly impossible to find where any of the common features were. At least now they’ve stumbled across an icon set that is somewhat telling and they’ve switched to some more descriptive naming conventions.
I didn’t do much outside of install it, I took a few headshots for my cousin… that let me find out where greyscale mode and levels were. I wasn’t too happy with them, but he was so that’s the important thing. He is attempting to get discovered through a friend in the Michigan music scene. He’s a talented kid, I hope things work out for him.
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