Today was a day of Sochin. I was joined by my comrades Garls-san and Erbe-san for sections of my 25 kata.
I learned some important lessons today. I took the kata and slowed it down again, taking the time to focus on correct stance and keeping my butt tight and under me. I focused on keeping the upper movements light and correct, but focused on my center.
It provided some of the best kata that I’ve done so far. Mike-san made a valid observation that I was tensing too much when transitioning to the last high/low strikes (right before the crescent kick). Relaxing my upper body and allowing that to flow a bit more made that particular move sing.
Also, I don’t know why, but I was reminded of a certain venerial disease this morning… I sure can’t put my finger on why though. 🙂
(For the record, this comment will likely cause the abrupt end to my life and potentially the lives of those mentioned above. It has been great knowning you all.)
Sochin Counter
Accomplished / Goal == Percent Complete
190 / 2000 == 9.5%
Average Kata per Workout: 19
Estimated Completion Workout:106
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