My New Years Resolution to eliminate debt met up against serious opposition over the weekend. It all started with picking up my mail on Friday night.
There was a small customer appreciation card from Dell’s Employee Purchase Program. It offered 20% in additional discount on selected Dell laptops and desktops. I got as far as pricing systems out before I realized that going cheap wasn’t going to completely satisfy me, and going for the system I wanted would’ve been a serious compromise of my resolution.
I made every argument in the book to myself… we’re getting ready to pay off Tasha’s laptop, so its just continuing the payment to get one about the same price… the discount is really good and it would be the most “worth it” now… my other computer isn’t performing as well as I would like it to, etc. etc.
In the end, I slept on it. I decided that it would be in our best interest to wait, get some more of these credit cards taken care of, and then be able to really get what I want and be able to enjoy it. There will be other sales to take advantage of.
Delaying gratification is hard.
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