So I got antsy and decided to install the new Fedora Core 4 onto my MythTV machine. I took this opportunity to install the new hardware.
I was fully expecting a gigantic pain in the butt and only got a minor pain in the butt. The Fedora installer apparently didn’t like creating my logical volumes the first two times. The third time was the charm, however, and my Fedora goodness installed like the good little OS that it is.
I got as far as the yum repository update when my cell phone rang, and support has taken over my personal time once again. I’m waiting for call backs from our support providers, so I thought I’d put this little update together.
As a result of my new upgrade, my Gyration wireless keyboard and mouse works!! Clearly the best $35 I’ve spent, thanks woot! It is so nice to be able to sit on the loveseat and control the computer. What a great invention.
Tomorrow I will dive into configuring MythTV proper, and hopefully those trials will be few. I’m looking forward to it, 0.19 has some great new features to enjoy!
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