This weekend was both restful and hectic all at the same time. I spent a fair portion of Friday evening fuming about my workplace, but shortly thereafter I decided to leave it all behind and move on into an enjoyable weekend.
Saturday consisted of Much Shopping, as it was our monthly trip to Peoria and Sam’s Club. There was a woman there handing out free paring knives for sitting through her five minute infomercial, so we ventured over there. As we were waiting around we ran into my college database professor, which is rather strange as he lives and works in Macomb, which is about an hour and a half from Peoria. As the woman finished her sales pitch, she went about her business of handing out the paring knives and before she gave one to me she asked “wait… are you 21?” I replied with a laugh “Yeah! I’m 25!” and my professor piped up that he could vouch for me and we had a good chuckle.
We made it back to Pekin and picked up the odds and ends that we needed from Kroger’s, and then it was over to Casa Del Dukes for some D&D excellence. It was a good session Saturday night, everyone had something fun to do and we made it into Act II of prepared material. This is a good thing.
Today, as you may know, was my lovely wife’s birthday. She had a great day of shopping, eating, and my mom made her a special dinner at their house.
It was a good day. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to work tomorrow, but you gotta do something to fill the time between weekends.
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