My dream last night was a long, odd one… for reasons unknown, I was typing on my computer and a mechanical looking orange venus fly trap would erupt from my wife’s laptop (by where the screen latches) and try to bite me. Once it succeeded… then this thing would burst forth randomly from my forearm and try to bite whoever I was talking to.
Eventually, I realized that I could just grab it by its head and pull it out of my arm, but after I did that I immediately got concerned about the hardware being left inside my body.
So, naturally, I went to one of my coworkers cubes to discuss it with him. He started talking to me about Ruby on Rails, which wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. After I explained my strange happenings to him, he’s looked at me like he knew exactly what I meant and explained that “Governer Blagojevich had all those installed to he can mind-control you.”
For some reason, this compelled me to enter into a walk-a-thon race event designed to combat this activity. It had this strange “Dex Check” at the end where you had to pick up certain charcoal pencils that were sticking straight up out of the ground with your bare toes. I finished second to a woman that looked like Gardulla the Hutt.
After the race, I was back talking to my coworker and he said “I don’t know why you went through all that trouble, the Governer will still use the Home Shopping Network to control our minds anyway.”
And then I woke up.
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