Wow… interesting night tonight. I got off work around 4:00 pm and didn’t make it home until about quarter ’til 5… something was wrong with a light in Creve Coeur that had traffic backed up all the way down the hill. Eventually, I made it home.
I decided to do some manky dishes that had been laying around so Tasha didn’t have to when she got back, which took me until Tasha got home. Tasha and I watched a few “Deal or No Deal”‘s that had accumulated on the MythTV, and then my sister called to ask if I wanted a haircut.
Before I left, I sat down to check the blogs to see that my good buddy Turner-san *finally* got his lungs, so he’s in surgery probably as we speak! Our thoughts and prayers are with him… he’s been waiting for this for a LONG time.
In local news, today was the day my cousin was supposed to find out about getting into Berklee music college. I spoke to him around 4 pm and he hadn’t heard, so I decided to call. Repeatedly, he would not answer his phone. I decided to call his Mom… apparently he just found out that he got declined for this year and he was very upset about it.
He’s got a world of options open to him now, so I will be interested to watch and see what he decides to do in order to make the most out of the time before he can apply again. He really wanted to get into this school, and I know it has to be hard on him getting that dream delayed for awhile. I’m hoping this whole experience gets him a little more motivated to flesh out his “on paper” skills so he can get what he wants out of life.
That’s about all from my world tonight… I’m about ready to climb into bed in anticipation of tomorrow’s early morning.
Finally, let me take a moment to say that I really am happy my wife is home for awhile. Living by myself SUCKS. Everything is made better when she is around, unfortunately she gets back just in time for me to spend the day down in Saint Louis. There’s always Sunday!
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