Sunlight Teddy Originally uploaded by dalcher. Here’s our boy Teddy, sitting on the couch again. The post-rainstorm sun was coming in the window and made him look like he was in the movie Cocoon. He sure is cute sometimes! 🙂
Where the answer is almost always 42.
Sunlight Teddy Originally uploaded by dalcher. Here’s our boy Teddy, sitting on the couch again. The post-rainstorm sun was coming in the window and made him look like he was in the movie Cocoon. He sure is cute sometimes! 🙂
Right after I got my new laptop, I very quickly filled out the forms to retrieve the $100 rebate that is supposed to come along with it. I logged into the website they told me, and they basically just pulled my login information into the form and all I had to do was print it […]
I beat Doom3 tonight. What a great game! Some of the visuals they are able to achieve with that engine are phenominal. Talk about living up to its namesake, this thing looks the way the original Doom games felt to play. The fleshed out storyline was really awesome, and I enjoyed the additions to the […]
BoingBoing posted up a link to a nerd recording artist named Jonathan Coulton. This guy wrote a song named “Code Monkey” and released it via the Creative Commons license. I have mirrored it on my site, check it out. It’s a fun tune.
We were running a little late today. I did four Sochin to round me out to 625. My knee was doing well today, so I elected to help my Dad with his Bassai Dai for awhile. We got through quite a few kata before I got a call from the service guy at Sears. It […]
Tonight we had the unique situation of class via Nidans, as Sensei Brewer and were both tied up with their respective workplaces. Even Oedewaldt was working late tonight, which left the motley crew of myself, , McCabe, and Garls. I led warmups, if you’ll call them that… I did the same thing that I did […]
This needs to stop before DRM goes too far. Bastards.
Due to circumstance, tonight I was charged with teaching in Mapleton. McCabe and were both tied up at their respective workplaces, so the duty fell to me to put the Mapleton crew through their paces. I decided early on that I wanted to do something in the vein of a test review, since they have […]
You Are 64% Open Minded You are a very open minded person, but you’re also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You’re open to considering every possibility – but in the end, you stand true to […]
I started tonight with no ambition. I got three Sochin in, because I thought I needed 13 to get to 600 this week. It turns out I was wrong, I needed 12. I ended up doing 13 anyway thanks to the motivation that comes from doing kata in a group. We got ten Sochin in […]