Tonight I came to Mapleton to help out in preparation for tomorrow night’s test. We had a nice basic workout that had elements of Saturday’s seminars. I would’ve liked to experience a warmup as described by Sensei Hassell this weekend, but we were left to standard fare as normal.
Once Sensei Hartman took over the class, we got a taste of a warmup that was meant to emulate the fundmental movements in karate. That was good, because for reasons unknown to me I had an irritated right knee. I tried putting a brace on it, but that didn’t help very much. I just had to take it easy.
We focused on preparing the kyu rank candidates for their tests, we did basics, sparring (for both classes), and a little bit of kata to round out the night. I met the new student that trained under Sensei Kuras in Macomb. He appears to have a natural talent at sparring, I recognize a lot of Sensei Kuras’s fight plan in his actions. I was really impressed with a few of our intermediate kids in their sparring. They surprised me a few times, which was great.
My knee was feeling a little better by the time we got into the slow sparring portion of class, but I didn’t attempt to do any Sochin tonight in the name of taking it easy. I may try to knock a few out tomorrow before the test.
Sochin Counter
Accomplished / Goal == Percent Complete
504 / 2000 == 25.20%
Average Kata per Workout: 16.26
Estimated Completion Workout: 124
Workouts that gained more than 1%: 13
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