Tasha and I had a very nice day today, with the following exception.
After a nice day of shopping and eating at Olive Garden, we decided to head to Wal-Mart before the storm rolled in. We didn’t make it. Right as we entered the door at Wal-Mart, they sounded a tornado warning. We didn’t want to accumulate at the front of the store with the unwashed rabble that usually shops at Wal-Mart, so we decided to make a break for it before the weather got too bad.
We got barely down our row of cars before the deluge hit. Sideways rain, hail, all sorts of shit started flying around. We watched from our car as a cart rammed the garden center area, knocking one of the wooden posts clean off its cinder-block support. We decided we needed to turn our car around NOW and get it parked and back inside.
As we were about to turn up the next aisle of cars, two carts came flying (one on its side) across the parking lot, and the upright one slammed us in the drivers side headlight. We parked the car and ran through stinging hail into the building.
There we remained for a half hour or so until the tornado warning was downgraded to a watch. We elected to delay our shopping and get home to check on our house and Teddy. They were all fine, and surprisingly the cart hit us in precisely the correct location to just blow out the headlight. No other damage to the car was visible.
We swung by Auto Zone to have them look up the part to see how much a new headlight would run. “Oh… you need a whole lens for that model. That’d be $200 on the nose,” says the Auto Zone guy. “I hope you have insurance to pick that up.” Yep, we do. So onto the website claim form we go.
Teddy was fine, the house was fine, and the headlight the only fatality. We’ll have to go shopping tomorrow instead.
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