Interesting situation tonight… after work I found out that my laptop had arrived in East Peoria, so I called UPS to see if they would be around so I could pick it up. I received no callback, but the guy on the customer care line said they would attempt again tomorrow.
As a result, I didn’t get out the door to Karate until around 7:05 pm. I arrived and the first class was in full swing, luckily the side room was open so I elected to do some Sochin and join in for second class since so much of first class was over. They were doing partner drills too, so I would’ve thrown off the balance in there anyway.
Second class was… intense. We did rapid fire (now dubbed “Red Line”) combinations reflective of the black belt test. That went on for quite awhile, everyone (myself included) was dogging it. Then we did some *really* fun partner drills to work on chaining techniques together and finding new and exciting openings. We achieved this by forming combinations against a dummy partner… they just stood there and didn’t move/block/flinch and we got to get around their guard.
Then we moved on to 3 to 5 time attack, my partner
Sochin Counter
Accomplished / Goal == Percent Complete
542 / 2000 == 27.10%
Average Kata per Workout: 15.94
Estimated Completion Workout: 126
Workouts that gained more than 1%: 13
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