I went to Mapleton tonight because Sensei Quinn was going to be there. I got there early, so I decided to start doing a few Sochin. Sensei Quinn showed up, and proceeded to ask me about my kata goals because someone must’ve said something. So he asked if I wanted to work on Scohin for a bit. I did.
By that time
I was suffering through these kata. It was really hot in the room, and I was already starting to sweat badly at the end of the two kata. The class (notice, I said class, not first or second) itself consisted of all five of the Heian kata and Tekki Shodan. We did each kata at least three times, and we went through these in as much gory detail that we did for Sochin.
I was really suffering during the first three Heian kata, but then I relaxed a little and was able to calm down enough to finish the rest of the workout. By the time it was all over, I had sweated through the front of my gi. The part that doesn’t touch my skin was soaked. I didn’t have enough left to do any additional Sochin after class, but
That brought my grand total for the night to 7, however the last three were purely for the sake of endurance. I really enjoy workouts like this because it reminds me what it really means to work out. When you are so tired that you can barely bring yourself to walk to your car, you know you did something. 🙂
Sochin Counter
Accomplished / Goal == Percent Complete
810 / 2000 == 40.50%
Average Kata per Workout: 14.73
Estimated Workouts Remaining: 81
Workouts that gained more than 1%: 20
Average Number of Workouts Per Month, as of May 31: 162
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